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joblesshobo • 1 year ago

We're going to harvest the Dragon's Grace tomorrow.

lmao you wish.

Astolfo-kun • 1 year ago

Looks like the slimes took it all lol

MrBojingo • 1 year ago

They said Delight Canyon. MC killed the dragon in a forest. So i dont think they'll be going after the ones the slime took

GWagner13 • 1 year ago

They were right about it tho, remember another dragon was killed inside the Canyon but by the time they reach it, the mushrooms perish as they are only good for a day and become your normal toxic shroom that is only good for poison.

Later down the road it'll be explained the difference between dragons and real dragons as what they produce on death is way different between them. I'm liking the anime but I sorely miss the stupid humor the Manga has. MC and Co. Over there are way funnier than in here and the battles feel more epic even though they are short due to MC op powers. But at least lore wise the anime is doing well, not much has been skipped so far.

Emirhan Gaming • 1 year ago

No, dragon appeared at Delight Canyon that's probably why he said that.

Depressed おとこ • 1 year ago

Get your own damn Dragon's Grace
-Yuji probably

Time. • 1 year ago

This is why we love slimes

N99dels • 1 year ago

Yuji: "Lmao no"

Ken kaneki • 1 year ago

Equivalent to " I will start studying from tomorrow"

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

Kind of sounds lewd.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

its already been harvested too late i guess XD

Guest • 1 year ago

More convenient than having to power to "HEAL"?

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

don't you have better puns that aren't overused? Did people's brains got rotten ever since Redo of Healer was released? Everybody keeps saying heal that heal her heal him. Don't @ me with it's a meme bro. Get some help whoever says heal in that sense is long overusing it.

ManOfCulture • 1 year ago

why you haf to be mad its only a meme

go1 • 1 year ago

People's brains got rotten ever since big tech and their manager warfare against the world took over.

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

I agreed but I'd also say people just got really stupid with it. They all try to turn off their brains follow and let someone else do the thinking. They tossed away being unique and interesting and stopped focusing on being reasonable and intelligent to being generic and dumb and apathetic. They have to be like everyone else and they think being an idiot and an ass is cool and can't handle real problems or reality in general. Also heavily focused on being driven by money or sex where it actually drives us to have less while things cost more and you've got less then when we focused it differently. Even economically we've gotten worse through this kind of thinking of an obsession of MORE money and drove out small business while raising minimum wages with an unstable economy based on people being greedy apathetic and dumb.

This isn't to say that everyone thinks this way but you can tell between the 80s, the 90s and the early 2000s in comparison to today to acknowledge that we use to have done a lot better then we are modernly where we were more creative intelligent and less greedy on economy that things were more stable. Lets be honest. Whens the last real story you read that wasn't repeated 100 times before with the previous 5 years to it. In truth even that caters to trying to fit in to get more views and be like everything else then exciting and interesting. Sure the quality has gotten better and dialogue but there hasn't been a really unique and interesting story that isn't like everything else modernly.

go1 • 1 year ago

It's not that they focus too much on the money. They focus too much on ideologies.
Microsoft took over Minecraft and 1.19.1 censors minecraft and makes it possible for false bans and troll reports. [degrades: value of minecraft,adds: ideology of full controll and ideology of "we dont like you,so we ban you for no reason"]
Sony moved to america,instantly started censoring and making everything ugly. [decreases: enjoyment from sony products and their value,adds: ideology of full controll and ideology of uglifying]
Youtube is frequent in comment and chat censorship and funny videos removal. [decreases: enjoyment from the platform and value of youtube,increases: multiple ideologies promoting sadness,suffering and miserability]

Chryslr • 1 year ago

You yourself needs some healing to do. LOL! Getting triggered over an "overused meme".

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

no I just need to see one season anime without having the top comment HEAL or HEAL him or HEAL her. It's annoying.

Chryslr • 1 year ago

Apparently it won't go away that easily, some memes last for years, best to do is build an immunity to it. Or simply avoid the comments section overall.

Aladdin727 • 1 year ago

Honestly the overused meme is super annoying and people still using it should be hit by a bus

Chryslr • 1 year ago

It's the interweebs people. Better build an immunity on the most annoying things you'll see in socmed everyday. JS.

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

I don't think it matters. Redo the Healer was a stupid story about rape hentai. Might as well acknowledge how stupid it is and how they made the heal spell essentially everything it's not like poison and syphon spells.

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

I bet if it comes back and he destroys the others that wronged him the anime will turn into your generic fantasy shit with more sex.

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

I read some of it when i wondered if would change and it really never does. If it returns just expect the same. If you want a real anime of progression on someone who got wronged Shield Hero is better and has better plot without excuses for rape hentai and even got his revenge on the girl who started his issues before he was able to move. I'm not saying to watch it but Redo is just an excuse for rape hentai more then a progressive and decent plot.

Guest • 1 year ago
Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

I mean it wasn't really a healing power. I think the premise was to make a healer look OP when he wasn't actually healing at all. Sure he could use healing but they just tweak it to make it look like a heal spells. Lets use the power of healing to kill someone wasn't really healing to kill someone. It was more like the Ninja Scroll poison where Kagero would poison demons by sleeping with them. More over the healer really was just poisoning his enemies often or drugging or brainwashing them. He slept with people and let himself get raped however intentionally to steal strength from other people. I wouldn't really call any that a healers ability. One skill is like a poison and another like an alchemist and another is essentially siphoning like an incubi or lich. His other ability was creating aphrodisiacs. His OPness never really was healing at all. Regardless if you played an MMO though if your healer didn't like you they wouldn't heal you to try to dominate the party by letting people die. lol. people tend to not consider the kick button for some reason and let their healers play poorly. lol. The story though was about every plot being an excuse for him or someone else to rape someone. This could be the villain does it or he does or makes a companion a sex slave or he brainwashes characters to act this way but it always came down to it just being an excuse for a rape hentai and that was the real plot. At least with the creators second anime it had a better plot of a top tier assassin who was an old man who got Isekai'd and hentai wasn't his direct goal but becoming actually free.

Guest • 1 year ago
Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

Not really. The whole premises is how to justify a rape hentai by creating excuses for every attempt to do so. Even trying to justify him making a companion a sex slave as well as brain washing girls he "hates" to screw him. Doctor who just seems like a nanobot meant to repair malfunctioning and going wrong not a healer using his healing to poison drug and rape people. He's a male Kogero but worse with worse abilities and reasoning to how he poisons and has an even worse characterization and excuse to exist or do what he does. lol. There's no amount of excuses and attempts to compare to other forms of fiction for Redo. I like that he compared the healer for much of these reasons and shrugged it off. lol.

Guest • 1 year ago
Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

I knew you came to argue and put something quite different and irrelevant to try to defend Redo the Healer. LoL. I don't think everyone is stupid either not to have noticed. lol. However if you don't like my comparison just go back and watch Ninja Scroll and compare their abilities a bit and reasoning. Your the one who keeps trying to bring Doctor Who and Nanabots into it without actually even knowing actual real Nanobot technology on repairing cells. This is already modern science just not mainstream or used and likely very expensive but you can actually look this stuff up. In regards it's just noting Doctor Who making sci-fi on a DNA structure m4echanic of nanobots malfuntioning in a sci-fi way. Least using nanobots that way made sense, They aren't comparable. Nanobots aren't creating poisons by doing so. It's more comparable with Kagero like I first stated. Kagero uses poisons to kill demons and poison to counter other poisons. Makes sense since she tastes poison and uses poison as her ability. The lame Healer just uses healing as a poison aand excuse to every one of his abilities unrelated to his skill.

PowerMiner • 1 year ago

You are the one who said it the most here....

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

when? are you actually dumb? I don't do stupid jokes like that. When did I repeatedly say heal besides this one comment? People make this joke ever since Redo was released lol. Don't talk shit you don't know about.

PowerMiner • 1 year ago

Calm down. Get some healing

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Shimmer them like Arcane then?

Chris_Greywolf89 • 1 year ago

I hope the Power of Love Heal all your wounds my friend. 💞

I'm_H0rny • 1 year ago

its a meme bro

the_shepherd • 1 year ago

a bad and overused meme.

BniX • 1 year ago

Blonde Loli Ganyu spotted... 😂

Damn, that distillation stuff reminds me of my high school textbooks

ᗪonoᗪesu • 1 year ago

wtf is sage potion than mana potion tho, didn't even explained it. lol

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

You sprinkle it on meat dishes and include it in poultry stuffing to enhance the flavor. :D

Angel • 1 year ago

Please read the manga... it actually explains everything that's going on =_=;;

ᗪonoᗪesu • 1 year ago

i kinda knew that already tho wish they still explained it on the anime. (っ ͠─ ‿‿ ͠─ )っ

TrijiM • 1 year ago

but what does it do though? I'd rather not have to look through the manga just to find out what something does...

LesK • 1 year ago

big giant pile of mushrooms. taller than Yuji's head. lots of red ones but not many blue ones. so. distilled water. various mumbo jumbo with the shrooms... and Dryad can make just five sage potions and two mana restoratives.

that's gotta be some POTENT POTIONS! one whole dragon's worth of mojo, goes into a whole buttload of shrooms, and out of the other end of the process are those potions.

K boy • 1 year ago

She didn't use all the mushrooms it seems that she took most of them back with her which kind of seems unfair since yuji was the one who killed the dragon and harvested most of them

LesK • 1 year ago

well if she can cultivate them, even at a weaker potency... since i'm unsure if her Dryad Woods home has that Dragon's Grace stuff 'floating' through the local ecosystem... that would be an interesting source of income and future potions for Yuji. :> or heck, if the Grace doesn't immediately 'float' out of a dragon's corpse.... the next dragon Yuji offs he can have one of the slimes 'swallow' the corpse and take it to the Dryad Woods. i bet the Dryad can turn said corpse into 'compost' to grow the mushrooms upon ?perhaps? localized or centralized Grace?

K boy • 1 year ago

A Very interesting way to look at it but it's probably just a one time thing so once it's fully harvested it never regrows although I'm not sure if this is the case though

LesK • 1 year ago

well if it is a natural phenomenon augmented by the Grace that would be one thing. but if it is a purely metaphysical phenomenon maybe the Grace itself can be cultivated in 'some place' with a dragon corpse like i hypothesized.